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Scandia Sibiu

Scandia Sibiu este o marcă românească premium cu o experiență de 100 de ani în a oferi românilor și nu numai, mâncăruri preparate cu grijă, fără nici un aditiv artificial, ce au la bază ingrediente de calitate superioară și rețete unice. Produsele Scandia Sibiu sunt inspirate din rețete de demult, de pe vremea când mâncarea era tratată cu grijă și respect.

Scandia Sibiu products are inspired by old, unique recipes, back from a time when food was treated with care and respect.

Pateurile cu ficat sunt destinate consumatorilor care apreciază rețetele fără E-uri sau aditivi artificiali, și care păstrează gustul rafinat, neschimbat de 100 de ani. Din dorința de a răspunde nevoii și tendinței consumatorilor de a duce o viață mai sănătoasă, Scandia Sibiu a făcut un pas firesc de eliminare a aditivilor, coloranților, conservanților și E-urilor din majoritatea rețetelor de pateuri și mâncăruri, oferind acum gustări rapide fără niciun compromis. Cunoscute ca produse inovatoare la nivel de ambalaj, pateurile Scandia Sibiu sunt perfecte pentru o gustare rapidă, care i-ar face invidioși și pe cei mai pricepuți în ale gătitului.



Bucegi is a fan favorite among consumers due to the excellent price-quality ratio and the taste beloved by adults and children alike.

It is a market leader in the liver pate segment with a market share of 33.7% (according to audit retail data ACNielsen Romania, DJ 2019). The brand Bucegi went through a market repositioning process, deeply embedding itself in the mid-range segment.

The brand has changed its packaging design and the whole communication strategy, in the purpose of becoming a friendlier, more approachable brand that supports growth, education and family balance. The liver pates (pork, chicken or goose) are an ace up any housewife’s sleeve when it comes to a quick snack. A quick bite of Bucegi Pate spread on a fresh loaf of bread is one of the tiny moments of joy within family quality time. Bucegi Pate can be used as an ingredient for other snacks such as: devilled eggs, puff pastry etc.


bucegi JUNIOR

Bucegi is a fan favorite among consumers due to the excellent price-quality ratio and the taste beloved by adults and children alike.

Products marketed under the Bucegi Junior brand are a real help for mothers and a little magic for children. The products have returned to the market with a new design, adapted to the trends and preferences of young people adopting an urban, youthful style that supports and encourages activity and a balanced diet.

Rețetele sunt special dezvoltate, respectă legislația în vigoare în ceea ce privește produsele destinate copiilor, fără a compromite gustul. Produsele sunt disponibile în 3 variante: pate de curcan, pate de pui și pate de porc.



To those who remember the home-made country-style food, Sadu is offering the “rural” taste, suitable for every moment – whether you are at home or at work etc.

The recipes are simple, with no sophisticated ingredients: just pure, simple Romanian food. With a good, honest taste, the Sadu pate rapidly became a best-seller due to its earned notoriety and attractive price point.

Cooked by a traditional recipe, with authentic Romanian flavor, the Sadu meat is appreciated by the consumers due to its consistency (high percentage of meat – over 50%). The meat can be found in 3 assortments: chicken, pork and beef – all in 300g packages. Sadu ready meals, with the rural flavors, cooked with simple and tasty ingredients, offer the most popular Romanian dishes. The taste of childhood memories is present in each Sadu recipe.



BÂLEA is a brand that is marketed in the economy segment and is offering its customers a fair price without compromising taste. With a diverse range of products, BÂLEA manages to stay in the top of the most sought after brands in the field.



The Rotina brand is aimed towards the low-income consumer. The portfolio includes a vast range of meat pates, vegetable pates, canned meat and meat based ready meals.

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