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Scandia Food is the Romanian market leader in canned meat, leading the category of canned spreads, with a market share of over 43% (source: AC Nielsen, AS 2018), also covering other segments such as vegetable spreads, canned meat and canned ready meals.

In 2010 we expanded into two new business lines: quick service restaurants and cold cuts production. We currently have 2 restaurants in Bucharest, serving the major shopping centers.


Quality Assurance and Quality Control Concept - Modern graphic interface showing certified standard process, product warranty and quality improvement technology for satisfaction of customer.

Scandia Food has been and will always continue to be a synonym for quality, tradition and innovation. Our new factory, inaugurated in 2010, is yet another proof of this promise.

Asigurarea calității produselor Scandia Food reprezintă principala preocupare a întregii echipe și este unul dintre factorii determinanți ai succesului Scandia de-a lungul celor de 100 ani. Ne preocupă continuu satisfacția consumatorilor și a clienților noștri și dorim să le oferim produse și servicii de înaltă calitate care să sporească reputația mărcilor Scandia Food.

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